Company news

  • 11 December 2017 , London

    Consultation launched on new interconnector project

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  • 17 November 2017 , London

    MMT starts offshore geophysical survey for AQUIND Interconnector

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  • 06 March 2017 , London

    AQUIND Limited, the developer of AQUIND Interconnector, accepts the Technical and Financial Proposal from RTE, the national transmission system operator of France, for connection to the French grid.

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  • 14 September 2016 , London

    Ofgem grants Aquind Limited the Electricity Interconnector license

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  • 27 July 2016 , London

    Aquind Limited, the developer of Aquind Interconnector, has applied for an electricity interconnector license in the UK

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  • 13 June 2016 , London

    New UK-France Interconnector to offer fast, reliable and cheaper energy capacity.

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